Enjoying Nature’s Bounty

Snow is in our weather forecast, so I am happy to have been able to do a little more foraging this past week. There are quite a few plantain plants around our yard that I gather. But their size is limited due to mowing. I recently found a group of plantain plants growing at the edge of an orchard that had grown to a larger size. After picking a handful of the leaves I was surprised to see how big they were compared to the leaves I normally forage!

If you have an interest in wild eatable plants and herbs, plantain is one herb that is plentiful and is packed full of health benefits. I have heard it called the “people’s plant” and “nature’s bandaid,” because of the healing properties it contains.

I am always sad to see the birds leave as they fly South for the winter, but it is such fun when I happen to find a cozy nest left behind that they worked so hard to build in Spring.

The smell of homemade applesauce fills my kitchen these days. And we are enjoying a few more cherry tomatoes from the garden. Our tomato crop was sparse this year, but the few tomatoes that did grow are packed with flavor and perfect to top salads!

12 thoughts on “Enjoying Nature’s Bounty

  1. Always a pleasure looking at your pages Fay! You always paint so delicately and beautifully. It’s great to be able to enjoy nature vicariously here. I live in a condo so there’s not much outdoor life for me nowadays.


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